SSCC Theatre announces THEATRE ASAP competition

SSCC Theatre is proud to announce The First Annual Theatre ASAP Competition. An exciting event that takes place over the course of only twenty-four hours. On April 20, a team

SSCC & HHS release FIDDLER ON THE ROOF cast and crew information

The Southern State Community College theatre department, along with Hillsboro High School, is pleased to announce their upcoming musical of Fiddler on the Roof. This production will be co-directed by

The Times-Gazette runs news article about FIDDLER…

On Monday, February 12, The Times-Gazette ran an article about the upcoming production of Fiddler on the Roof. The article describes the difficulties of mounting such a large production and

Tickets now on sale for FIDDLER ON THE ROOF

  30.01.2007   SSCCTheatre   Musical, Tickets   No comments

Tickets are now on sale for the SSCC & HHS collaborative production of Fiddler on the Roof set for March 9 at 7:30pm, March 10 at 1:30pm & 7:30pm and

Cast and crew list posted for FIDDLER ON THE ROOF

The cast and crew of Fiddler on the Roof is now posted here.

Audition reminder!

Just a reminder to everyone, the Fiddler on the Roof auditions are being held January 12 from 3-6 at the Hillsboro High School and January 13 from 10-3 at SSCC.