In 1816, two celebrated poets and their lovers met on a beach in Switzerland and over the course of the next six years, each of these people were forced to overcome physical and mental challenges. By the end of it all, one of them would continue their fame, one would be a well-known author, one would be lost and another would be dead. Bloody Poetry presents the true life story of the Romantic poet Percy Bysshe Shelley, and the journey with his mistress, later wife, Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley, author of Frankenstein, and Mary’s step-sister, Claire Clairemont to the shores of Lake Geneva to meet another of England’s
greatest Romantic poets, George, The Lord Byron. But their adventure only begins here. This quartet continually not the least of which is why fervent radicals seem so often to be done in by their reprehensible characters.not the least of which is why fervent radicals seem so often to be done in by their reprehensible characters.
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